Laddar Evenemang

Birds and ringing

17 jul kl. 14:30 - 17 jul kl. 15:00

Visit Ottenby Bird Observatory behind the scenes and watch the bird ringing in action.
If we’re lucky, we might even get the chance to admire a bird up close—really close!

The guided tour is organized by Ottenby Bird Observatory.
Price: 100 SEK per adult, 70 SEK per child (ages 4-18).
Tickets are available for purchase at the naturum Ottenby. The tour begins outside the naturum.



  • Kategori(er): Dagliga guidningar
  • Börjar: 17 jul vid 14:30
  • Slutar: 17 jul vid 15:00
  • Pris: 100SEK



  • Plats: naturum Ottenby
  • Adress: Naturum Ottenby 405
  • Stad: Degerhamn, 38065 Sverige